Sophie Ancer
2 min readOct 30, 2019


Joining Winter

Behind passing storm clouds, the steadfast sun is shining

As Winter’s voice cries out, cold but inviting:

“Come in!” it beckons to those on the outside.

Wrapped up in fear, longing for safety, they hide.

The warmth of winter must be found

Inside a stillness that’s been crowned

Queen of hearts, within heavy souls.

There, among stones, it will glimmer like gold.

Winter’s journey is long and sparks a shiver.

It waits for a seeker to receive and deliver

A message that requires no translation,

Like a formula with a familiar equation.

The answers you seek on cold dark nights

Are frozen but melt in winter’s guiding light.

As it thaws the slippery roads you’ll travel,

Winters light will tend wounds of a lifelong battle.

See it surround and abound without intruding —

Exposing buried truths without falsely accusing.

Winter’s flame burns like frost, it feels familiar;

We, too, are both destroyers and healers.

Like winter’s light we’re creators of life and death

In every moment we’re given breath.

So waste no time in embracing the season.

There are no excuses, but many reasons.

Come out from beneath the covers, break open.

The seeds we sow do the same when Earth’s frozen.

There’s no standing still while the days grow shorter,

On these dark winter nights, redemption shines longer.

Run through the storm; get wrapped in the snow.

Winter pleads for us to begin the show.

Embrace the scenery of a sleepy Earth.

What appears to be death is this seasons’s rebirth.



Sophie Ancer

I didn’t like the book, so I kept the cover and changed the story.